Absence and illness
Medical and dental appointments
We respectfully ask that appointments are not during the school day. In some cases, this is unavoidable. If your child has a medical appointment that means they have to miss school, please email a copy of the appointment letter (screenshots accepted) to office.3254@trinity.oxon.sch.uk and include details of the approximate timings that your child will be away from school. It would be really helpful if you could also copy in your child's class teacher.
Missing school for a holiday or family celebration
Holidays or family celebrations are not deemed as good reasons to miss school. The school office can provide you with a form that needs to be completed to request absence for exceptional circumstances.
Informing school of illness
If your child is unable to come to school because they are unwell, please:
Inform the school office by emailing office.3254@trinity.oxon.sch.uk - it is helpful if you copy in your child's teacher via their class email address.
Alternatively, please call 01491 575887 giving your child's full name (inc surname), class and reason for absence.
Please contact us before 9:00am to avoid it being recorded as an unauthorised absence.
Well enough for school?
At Trinity we understand the importance of good attendance. However, particularly in the winter months, we recognise that children may become unwell.
As a general guide, it is fine to send your child to school with a minor cough or cold if they are otherwise well and do not have a high temperature. However, if your child has a fever, they should stay at home. Please do not give them Calpol in order to lower their temperature before school.
If your child has diarrhoea and/or vomiting they should stay at home for at least 48 hours after the last episode.
The NHS gives further guidance on this area. Please click on the following link: Is my child too ill for school?
All medicines should be administered at home where possible. If children are required to have three doses a day of prescribed medicine this should be in the morning, immediately after school and before bedtime. The school will only administer prescribed medications to children in the following circumstances:
- A child has a long-term/chronic illness
- A child is known to have an allergic reaction
- Short-term circumstances dictate necessity (on a case-by-case basis)
If prescribed medication needs to be administered whilst your child is in school please:
- Clearly label all medicines with the child’s name, dosage and expiry date. Medicine must be in the packaging provided by the pharmacist with their dosage label attached.
- Provide written consent for the administration of all medication. In some instances, proof from the child’s GP may be required. Consent forms are available from the office.
- Consent must be obtained on a yearly basis.
- It is the parent/carer’s responsibility to ensure all medication kept in the school office is within date.
Medicines will be administered by a member of staff and documented in the medical record log book. The school will not be held responsible for failure to administer medication.
Inhalers and EpiPens
If your child requires an inhaler or EpiPen, please contact the school office to complete the necessary paperwork.
Returning to school
If your child has vomited or had diarrhoea, they are required to stay at home for 48 HOURS from the time they were last sick. This is so important in helping us to stop vomiting bugs spreading to other pupils and staff.