Please see our Frequently Asked Questions below
Term Dates
Please refer to the Calendar for specific activities going on throughout the term, for example trips and sporting activities.
Please refer to Term Dates for inset days, holidays and term dates for the academic year.
Pick up arrangements
Can another parent / friend collect my child?
If your child is going home with an adult (18+ yrs) who is not their parent or carer, or listed as an approved emergency contact, then please help us to facilitate this by emailing office.3254@trinity.oxon.sch.uk and their teacher (eg Rosen@trinityprimaryschool.org) before 12 noon stating the child's name, class and the name of the person who will be collecting them.
What do I do if I am running late?
In unavoidable circumstances, please call the school office on 01491 575 887 and we will endeavour to get a message to the class teacher.
Can my child walk home alone?
Pupils in Year 6 are permitted to walk home unaccompanied, but only if consent has been given by a parent / carer in advance. A consent form will be circulated to parents / carers of Year 6 pupils at the beginning of September each year, or you can request a form from the school office.
Class names, emails and teacher 2024 - 2025
When communicating with the school office, it is really helpful if you can specify which class your child is in.
From September 2024, the class names and teachers will be as follows:
Reception - BRYON - Mrs Leppard and Miss Evans - bryon@trinityprimaryschool.org
Reception - JEFFERS - Miss Parkinson - jeffers@trinityprimaryschool.org
Year 1 - MURPHY - Mrs Woolfson - murphy@trinityprimaryschool.org
Year 1 / 2 - ROSEN - Miss Rolfe and Miss Evans - rosen@trinityprimaryschool.org
Year 2 - DAHL - Mrs Evans and Miss Evans - dahl@trinityprimaryschool.org
Year 3 - COWELL - Mrs Williams and Mrs Mcintosh - cowell@trinityprimaryschool.org
Year 3 / 4 - COELHO - Mr Clarke and Mrs Cahill - coelho@trinityprimaryschool.org
Year 4 - PILKEY - Miss Galton - pilkey@trinityprimaryschool.org
Year 5 - PALMER - Miss Kirton - palmer@trinityprimaryschool.org
Year 5 / 6 - ZEPHANIAH - Mrs Aiken - zephaniah@trinityprimaryschool.org
Year 6 - RUNDELL - Miss Newman and Miss Hart - rundell@trinityprimaryschool.org
Mobile phones
Can my child bring a phone / smart watch to school?
Only pupils in Year 6 are permitted to bring a phone to school. Parental consent is required prior to a phone being brought to school. Consent forms will be sent to parents / carers of Year 6 pupils at the beginning of September each year, or the form can be requested from the school office.
Year 6 pupils must drop their phones / smart watches at the school office before entering the school playground in the morning and they may collect them from the office at the end of the school day. Pupils are asked not to turn phones on until they have left the school grounds.
Please read our Mobile Phone Policy by clicking here
House points
There are four house teams: Gainsborough (red), Orwell (green), Springfield (yellow) and Harrison (blue). Your child will be allocated to a house when they join the school.
Our school house system is extremely important to us and forms the focal point of a whole range of pastoral, extra-curricular and leadership opportunities and includes children being members of mixed-age school teams, fundraising opportunities, quizzes etc, as well as a range of sporting events.
Each house has a Captain and a Vice Captain who take their job very seriously and encourage the children in their house to try their best. The emphasis is always on participation rather than winning, but of course it is nice for any house when their shield is positioned at the top of the house board in the main hall.
Head lice and threadworm
As in any close community, infections of head lice and threadworm can spread easily. The school nurse recommends that all family members are checked regularly for signs of these common complaints and that treatment is given as appropriate before children are sent back to school.
Head lice treatment - Wet combing
Please ensure you REPEAT this until lice and eggs are gone. This will not happen after just one go!
Lice and nits can be removed by wet combing. You can buy a special fine-toothed comb (detection comb) online or from pharmacies to remove head lice and nits.
There may be instructions on the pack, but usually you:
- wash hair with ordinary shampoo
- apply lots of conditioner (any conditioner will do)
- comb the whole head of hair, using the detection comb, from the roots to the ends
It usually takes about 10 minutes to comb short hair, and 20 to 30 minutes for long, frizzy or curly hair. When you've finished combing the hair, comb through all the hair again for a second time.
Do wet combing on days 1, 5, 9 and 13 to catch any newly hatched head lice. Check again that everyone's hair is free of lice on day 17.
For more information please visit the NHS link below:
Medicine kills the threadworms, but it does not kill the eggs. Eggs can live for up to 2 weeks outside the body.
For more information please visit the NHS link below:
Complaints and resolving issues
Can I speak to my child's teacher?
If you would like to speak to your child's teacher, please email them and arrange a mutually convenient time.
If your child's teacher is not able to fully resolve your query / issue then you can request a meeting with our Headteacher, Mrs Whittle, by contacting the school office on office.3254@trinity.oxon.sch.uk.
How do I make a complaint?
The school will take complaints seriously and make every effort to resolve the matter quickly. It may be the case that the provision or clarification of information will resolve the issue. Please raise a complaint as soon as possible with the relevant member of staff, or the Headteacher, as appropriate, by emailing office.3254@trinity.oxon.sch.uk.
We have a very detailed Complaints Policy which can be read by clicking here.
If your child's birthday falls on a weekday during term time, then they are welcome to come into school on that day wearing home clothes (non school uniform). Historically, we have also allowed children to bring in sweets for their class. However, from September 2024 we are asking pupils not to bring in any food for birthdays. We try very hard to promote the values of healthy eating and lots of parents are not in favour of the stream of sweets throughout the year. If your child feels that they would like to do something to benefit their whole class to mark their birthday, then we would welcome a book donation. This is something the whole class can enjoy together. Feel free to send a Dojo message to the class teacher to make sure it's not a book that has already been donated.
Pre-school information
Trinity Pre-school shares the same site as Trinity Primary School, but we are managed separately and admission to the Pre-school does not guarantee a place at Trinity Primary School. However, a lot of children do start their Trinity journey at the Pre-school.
Trinity Pre-school offers preschool education for children aged two-and-a-half to five. They offer a minimum of three sessions, which can be a mixture of morning, afternoon or all-day sessions (8:45am-3:00pm). Places are currently available.
Further information can be found by clicking here or contacting Anita Gonzalez or Shelley Patterson on trinity_preschool@ymail.com or 01491 574742
Secondary schools
The majority of pupils leaving us at the end of Year 6 move to Gillotts, but we also have pupils who move to The Piggott C of E School, Sir William Borlase’s Grammar School, Reading School (Grammar) and independent schools such as Shiplake College.
For any pupils requiring a place in a state secondary school for Year 7 from September 2025, please apply for your child's place online:
Please remember to list more than one preference and to list any siblings.