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School Gateway

School Gateway is the platform that we use to make communicating with parents easier, faster and more effective.  

On joining the school you will be asked to downlad the app. Please click on the relevant link below for instructions:



It’s quick and easy to download the app. All you need are your email address and the mobile number that Trinity School holds on record for you.  If you have trouble logging in please let us know.

Parent to teacher communications

Class teachers can be contacted using the following email addresses:

Please be mindful that during the school day, teachers are focusing on teaching and organising resources to provide the very best learning experiences and are not able to pick up urgent messages about individual pupils. Therefore, if a message is urgent please direct it to Teachers will respond to emails at their earliest convenience.

If your child is taught by more than one teacher, both teachers will receive your email and be copied in on the reply.

Teacher to parent communications

From September 2024, teachers will no longer use Class Dojo to share messages. Instead, emails will be sent from the school office, and they may also be shared via the class WhatsApp, subject to agreement by the class rep(s).