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Forest School


At Forest School we aim to:

  • inspire individuals through positive outdoor experiences
  • promote a safe environment where our pupils can explore, investigate and take on new challenges
  • offer new challenges that develop self-confidence, resilience, independency and creativity
  • encourage learners to undertake managed risks and challenges and to try activities that are tailored to their developmental stage

Forest School is a wonderful opportunity for children to enjoy themselves while exploring and developing a relationship with the natural world.  It takes place within our School grounds, in an area where we are fortunate to have fantastic outdoor learning spaces, lovely mature trees and plants, as well as some interesting minibeasts!

One of the special things about Forest School is that it is child led and, while each session will offer opportunities and suggestions for activities, it is up to the child if they wish to do them.  While some children may be keen to make a den as an organised activity, or be running around and busy, others may prefer to go off quietly with a magnifying glass and search for insects, or just have some reflective time.  We realise that every child is unique and has different needs and all chosen activities will be supported and valued.  There are many ways and things for young children to be learning at Forest School and while these may link to class work, we also offer an opportunity for the child to grow as a whole; physically, socially, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.

Children will enjoy a sense of freedom at Forest School, however there are, of course, some rules.  We want to keep your child safe and we will show them the boundaries, what they can and can’t touch and safe practices.  We want them to push themselves and take risks, but only once everything is in place to make the activity as safe as possible. The aim is to encourage resilient, confident, independent and creative learners.

When does it take place?

We aim to offer Forest School to each class over the course of the year. The school office will contact parents in advance to advise when your child will be doing Forest School.

Clothing List for Forest School

Forest School takes place outside, whatever the weather and it is important that, whichever season we are in, children are dressed appropriately for safety and comfort AND NOT FOR FASHION!  Arms and legs must always be covered to protect from scratches and bites.  Clothes should be PLAIN, DARK COLOURS and UNBRANDED. They should be suitable for outdoor activities that you won’t mind getting muddy. PE kit (navy tracksuit bottoms and jumper) are ideal.

Please ensure all items are named:

  • Jacket/coat 
  • Waterproof trousers - available from Mountain Warehouse or Amazon
  • Wellington boots
  • Long-sleeved top/jumper - a Trinity crew neck sweatshirt would be perfect, available from PMG or the second-hand uniform sale
  • Long trousers/leggings/tracksuit - navy tracksuit bottoms used for PE
  • Warm socks/hats/scarves/gloves


Sessions are run by a trained Forest School Leader, who has a Level 3 Forest School qualification and is also an Outdoor First Aider. We will also have at least one other supporting adult. 


We really need parent volunteers to support these sessions. If you feel able to help when it is your child's turn, please indicate on the Google form. If enough parents volunteer, then you would only need to do one or two sessions.

Forest school campfire photo