Collective worship
At Trinity, we aim for our collective worship to be inclusive, invitational and inspirational for all members of our school community. We want everyone to feel welcome wherever they are on their journey of faith and belief. Central to our collective worship is our school vision where we encourage everyone to reflect daily on how they can be a good neighbour and shine in service to those around them and in the world beyond. Our daily collective worship offers opportunities for prayer, reflection and reading. Throughout our worship, contributions are sought from everyone and there are moments to think and ask questions. Worship is also a time to develop our curious minds through considering those larger questions in life of meaning and purpose. When planning our collective worship, we follow the guidance outlined in Collective Worship in Church of England Schools.
Across the week, we use a range of resources to help us to deliver a worship experience that is engaging and interactive. We want our worship to motivate pupils and adults into action, into thinking differently, and into reflecting on their and the wider community’s behaviour and actions. An outline of our collective weekly Collective worship at Trinity can be found below:
Day |
Focus |
Led by |
Monday |
Picture book worship Each Monday, we focus on a different picture book related to an event or national celebration. There is a strong passion for reading at Trinity and we are a school community who love to engage with books at every opportunity. Picture books are a starting point for discussion about learning about the wider world and reflecting on how we can make a difference to it. |
Mrs Whittle, Headteacher |
Tuesday |
Singing worship In our singing worship, we sing a range of classic and contemporary Christian songs linked to celebrations in the Christian calendar and our school vision. We encourage our children to enjoy singing as a form of worship. |
Miss Hart, SenCo, Year 6 teacher |
Wednesday |
Clergy led worship Clergy led worship has a focus on bible stories that resonate in our world today - Jesus’ life and miracles and heroes of The Old Testament and the liturgical calendar. Music, singing and mini sketches ensure this worship is interactive and engaging for all. |
Rev Duncan Carter, Rev Sam Brewster, Mr Peter Greenman |
Thursday |
Picture News Each week, pupils reflect on an image about a current news story. Resources are designed to provide opportunities for children to learn from our world and develop respect for others beliefs, feelings and faiths. They encourage exploration, discussion, challenge and inspire children to learn.Pupils are divided into EYFS + KS1 and then KS2 to enable current affairs to be discussed and reflected upon in an age appropriate way. |
Ms Claire Rolfe, Assistant Headteacher, Mrs Catherine Aiken, Lead Teacher |
Friday |
Achievement Assembly On a Friday, we take the opportunity to celebrate the children’s achievements throughout the week. The children are awarded ‘Star of the week’ certificates, Learning Means the World certificates, Reading Challenge Awards, House Points totals are shared and recent sports team achievements. Prayers are led by pupils throughout the school linked to our school vision and issues we have reflected on throughout the week. |
Mrs Whittle, Headteacher |
We also have a small group of children who are part of our pupil led worship team who lead collective worship once a term. They meet on a weekly basis to plan and prepare worship to be delivered to the whole school at the end of each term.
In addition to daily worship, we have regular whole school services held in Holy Trinity Church, which parents also attend including Harvest, Remembrance, Christmas and Easter.
At our Harvest Festival service on Thursday 26th September, feedback from parents / carers showed that all either strongly agreed or agreed that 'they felt the message was relevant' and 'felt at ease' during the service and we received lots of lovely feedback such as: