Mayor of Henley Award
This year we've had over 50 children completing the Bronze, Silver and Gold Mayor of Henley awards. Children have completed their skills, physical and faith sections over varying periods of time. Activities included litter picking, triathlons, bake sales, learning to cook, coding, sleeping in tents and much, much more!
Altogether the children have raised over £1750 for charity! It has been fantastic to see the children learning new skills, taking on new challenges and supporting their local community and in doing so they are living our school's vision.
To end the awards, the Bronze group walked 3.5 miles, the Silver walked 8 miles and the Gold walked 9.5 miles! Everyone did brilliantly and their resilience was fantastic to see.
Thank you to all parents, carers and staff who have supported the children this year and made it another successful year for the Mayor of Henley Award.