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Spring Term 2025

We have started our new text The Gardener by Sarah Stewart in English and have been developing our background understanding by doing some observational drawings of bulbs and finding fascinating facts about flowers. Did you know that tulip bulbs were more valuable the gold in Holland in the 1600s?





Coelho class enjoyed the sports session with Commonwealth Games God Medallist Steve Frew.


Some children from Coelho took part in Mayor Of Henley.

We have been inspired by our text Journey by Aaron Becker to write colour themed poetry. Colour is such an important part of this story and we enjoyed using water-colours to get our imagination flowing.




We have been working on writing a colour poem linked to our book 'The Journey by Aaron Becker'.  The children are working in poem teams to create a poem that has a colour theme. Hopefully, we will be able to share these with you at a later date.



This half term we have been learning Lacrosse skills. This has been a new sport for many of the children, but they have been engaged and very much enjoyed picking up skills and techniques.