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Spring Term 2025

We have been exploring the concepts ‘shorter’, ‘longer’, ‘shortest’ and ‘longest’. The class went outside and had a competition to find the ‘longest’ stick. In RE we have been learning about the Christian church and we were lucky enough to be invited to Trinity Church to have a tour of their beautiful stained-glass windows and the stories behind them. The class also made dinosaur dioramas and had a visit from a professional athlete!


In Reception the children have been learning about baptisms in RE. The class got to look at some pictures of a child’s baptism and the special objects that are used to celebrate being welcomed into the Christian faith. The class also got to use clay to make their very own dinosaur footprints and fossils. Miss Parkinson brought in old paint sample leaflets and the class got busy peeling them off and making dinosaur collages. They turned out brilliantly!

In Reception this week we have been exploring different representations of 6, 7 and 8. We have sung ‘8 in the bed’ and used tens frames to show 1 more and 1 less. Dinosaurs landed in the classroom and the children have been busy exploring fossils, cave paintings and dinosaur eggs.

Representing numbers photo  Children learning about dinosaurs photo

Child learning phonics photo  Children representing numbers photo

Child representing numbers  Children painting photo

The children in Jeffers class have been very busy this week! We have been learning about different jobs people can have both inside school and in the world around us. We looked at ID badges and why it’s important to wear them. The children made their own lanyards using string and paper. A giant balancing scale arrived in our outside area this week and the children have been busy exploring the concepts ‘heavier’ and ‘lighter’.

Girls making ID badges photo  

Children playing photo  Children on see saw photo

Children in sandpit photo  Children learning photo